1. Google Document
I made a spread sheet for my partner and I to use to keep track of the two DRA levels our students will have next year. I split the spread sheet up by native English and native Spanish learners. Even though our students will be mixed at all time, this will allow us to make sure the students are staying strong in their native language first. Once there is data in it, we will be able to update it as the students move through the levels. Also, this will be helpful for our LA SIS and our ESOL specialist so that they can develop small group plans to double dip the kiddos who are beginning to fall behind.
2. Google Reader
I added the 5 "11 Tools" bloggs that I will be following. I think the reader would be a great application if I found bloggs that updated resources for teachers. This way I could just log in and find what new resources I had to access. This would eliminated constant searches on the Internet.
3. Classroom Benefits
I believe the google documents would help elimate/shorten some of the meetings we have as a team or with our SISs to go over data. Our specialists and administrators could easily access our levels. This way when we met everyone would be caught up on the data and we could dive into setting up a plan on what to do next to raise the students. I also think it would be great to place our daily classroom schedule in google documents. This way as it changes, which it always does during the first few weeks of school, I wouldn't have to remember to e-mail it to the specialist and administrators. If they wanted to come in to observe, pull a small group, or teach a lesson they could easily pull up my latest schedule.
The google reader would be great for the students and myself. As the students update their bloggs about the newest book they have read or concept they have learned, their peers can easily see the newest additions. This would elimnate constant checking of bloggs to see if anything has changed. It would also help me as a teacher to know who is working on their blogg and who is not without having to check 44 bloggs every few days. I could just pull up my reader and see who has updates for me to check.
Hello partner! I can't wait to see the spread sheet you made! Google documents is definitely a helpful tool to use in our classrooms.